Our added
Our vision on how wealth advisory should be done leads us to provide our clients with a competitive and open global offering that allows us to make the day-to-day management of their assets as easy as possible.

Based on the experience of our wealth advisors and “leveraging on the market view of top-notch international specialists we design the investment strategy for each of our clients from a global, open and independent perspective. After carefully analyzing the options and following a well-defined and constant decision process, our clients are presented with a tailor-made selection of assets to invest.
For those clients who prefer to delegate the investments decisions, we offer a discretionary management service, where our experienced portfolio managers implement the investment strategy with a very disciplined decision-making process, based on the client’s risk profile, goals and restrictions. We are constantly motoring our discretionary portfolios in order to enhance returns while mitigating risks, always with a long-term horizon.
Atlantia Wealth Management offers a financial consolidation software. This tool allows us to present in a single portfolio statement (one pager format) all the different bank accounts of one client that works with several custodians. Atlantia has reached agreements with more than 14 custodian banks at an international level which generates a strong cost efficiency and a great agility in the decision-making process.
Atlantia makes wealth planning and asset management services available to its clients through different international and experienced firms. We are able to identify alternatives for each particular case and offer our clients top-notch providers while achieving a competitive cost structure.
Every client is unique, and hence Atlantia Wealth Management offers a fully personalized service and adapted to the specific needs of each family unit.